Monday, June 23, 2014

There is a fork in the trail, can one go straight and make their own trail?

I have been pondering this topic for a long while now and would like to get it out in the open to see what all you outdoor adventure enthusiasts have to say. Being a Father of three I have attempted to set up a life with my family that consists of a house in the country where we raise chickens, grow gardens and try to live as simply as possible. With this though, comes a lot of work and responsibility, not to mention the daily chores around the house i.e. cutting an acre of grass and taking care of the kids. A person in this situation is lucky to have a couple hours of down time. Don't get me wrong, I do get out from time to time and fulfill a least some of my outdoor adventure appetite. I just am feeling a little empty in that department.
Then there is the flip side to this coin. Living in an apartment where property maintenance is taken care of. A lifestyle where you can buy ALL your food needs at the grocery store and all that time you save, you can go out on different adventures as your home will take care of itself for a few days. When you get back there are just a few easy steps and out the door again on your next adventure. Is it that easy?
Now, I get that there are pros and cons to both lifestyles (believe me I have struggled with them) but my question to you is, can there be a balance? Is there a way to have your cake and eat it to? My point is, I would like to enjoy the peaceful chaos that is country living and be able to enjoy my family but still allow myself the time needed to get out and do the things I love (adventure in the outdoors). The answer may be out in the open, right there for me to see but yet I havent found it. You may be laughing and say "It is very simple". Well this my friends is the reason for this post. To get insight on what I may be missing here and how does it all piece together. So I call on your expertise in helping myself, and possibly others whom are in the same boat and need some advice. In my mind I see a fork in the trail, yet my options aren't quite clear. Cheers!

Until next time, Adventure awaits!

Johnny- Two4adventure

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